Uncomfortable Immersion: A Grief Toolkit by Chloe Marcela Coelho

Exploring the Complexities of Grief and Empowering Adolescents

Grief is a universal aspect of the human condition that is rarely discussed in western society, which often frames grief as a 'stage' for people to overcome with most support occurring during the funeral. However, new frameworks suggest that grief is an ongoing process. This leaves long-term grievers without support or agency, creating unnecessary suffering. Embracing my personal experience of losing my mother at thirteen has shown me that grief is not something to be rushed or prescribed.

The project, Uncomfortable Immersion, by designer Chloe Marcela Coelho, delves into the way our society deals with grief, particularly in adolescents. It challenges the emotional complexities within grief and the socio-cultural misconceptions surrounding it. Through the use of Human-Centred Design, Coelho has created a grief toolkit that guides bereaved adolescents in constructing ritual objects to help them process and comprehend their grief at their own pace, while maintaining important metaphysical relationships with the deceased. The project strongly encourages personal autonomy in the grief journey, providing much-needed support and agency to those who have experienced loss.

The centerpiece of the toolkit is a grief book, titled "Without Expectations," which serves as a practical guide for adolescents in a time of loss. The book approaches the subject with sensitivity, respecting the maturity and hardship that teenagers unwittingly face when dealing with grief. Through approachable stories about grief and transformation, the user is informed of harmful fallacies that are common in western society. The book promotes concepts of death literacy and ritualism in mourning, offering guidance on creating a memorial pendant and a scarf with handwriting from the deceased.

The companion artifact to the grief book is the "Without Expectations" pendant, a tangible reminder of a loved one. This pendant is made by 3D printing the signature of the deceased in PLA and casting it in sterling silver. It serves as a personal and meaningful keepsake, allowing the wearer to maintain a connection with their loved one.

The grief scarf, another component of the toolkit, uses a unique black thermochromic ink that becomes transparent above 27°C. Infused into silk, the ink reveals a printed letter from the lost loved one, which only appears with the ritualistic gesture of touch. The manufacturing process for the scarf required numerous iterations to perfect, resulting in a truly innovative and emotionally impactful artifact.

Uncomfortable Immersion was a project that started in March 2018 as part of the Honours Project in Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours) at RMIT University. It was completed in November of 2018. The design process involved extensive research into existing literature, interviews about loss, and evaluation from psychologists and deathcare specialists. The project has sparked discussions and requests for personal memorials, contributing to the discourse in the deathcare field.

Chloe Marcela Coelho's Uncomfortable Immersion has received recognition for its innovative and impactful design. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Social Design category in 2020. This award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The grief toolkit stands out for integrating industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, providing fulfillment and positive feelings, and ultimately contributing to a better world.

Uncomfortable Immersion is a testament to the power of design in addressing societal challenges and empowering individuals to navigate the complex journey of grief. Chloe Marcela Coelho's thoughtful and empathetic approach has created a toolkit that not only supports adolescents in their grief but also challenges societal norms surrounding grief and mourning.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chloe Coelho
Image Credits: Chloe Coelho
Project Team Members: Chloe Coelho
Project Name: Uncomfortable Immersion
Project Client: Chloe Coelho

Uncomfortable Immersion IMG #2
Uncomfortable Immersion IMG #3
Uncomfortable Immersion IMG #4
Uncomfortable Immersion IMG #5
Uncomfortable Immersion IMG #5

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